Anticipate Divine Appointments                             Think Metaphorically                             Unveil Truth



How much does a program cost?

Pricing is all custom, based on the needs of your program. We are committed to providing the best program for you and will customize length of stay, arrival and departure times, and what is included in your program. Below is an idea of what each program consists of.

Day Program
Options Include: 2 Adventure Activities / 1 Meal

Overnight Program
Options Include: Initiative Task Course / 2 Adventure Activities / 3 Meals / 1 Night Lodging

Weekend* Program
Options Include: Initiative Task Course / 2 Adventure Activities / Theme-based Evening Activity / Campfire & Hobo Dinner / 5 Meals / 2 Nights Lodging

*Weekend Programs usually last from Friday evening through Sunday morning. Want to come during the week? That’s great, too!

Do you have my preferred dates open?

Ask us and we’ll let you know! Fill out a Course Info Form and call us at (615) 536-5623.

Can we bring our own speaker/worship leader/etc.?

Absolutely! We’re very flexible and encourage any ideas that would enhance your program.

What forms do my kids’ parents need to complete?

You can find the forms here.

What should my kids bring to New Frontiers?

You can find the packing list here.